Welcome April! Remember the saying April showers bring May flowers? I never really knew what that saying meant growing up. As a child, I used to think that April is just a rainy month but actually it means the last bit of snow returns back up into the atmosphere, and as the temperature rises, shower activity tends to peak, which in turns, returns back to the earth to nurture the flowers and plants across the lands. April is also known for Earth Day (April 22nd) and Autism Awareness month (which is recognized across the world). This year, 2022, marks the 15th annual World Autism Day, which was on April 2nd. And lastly, we have Easter in April this year. Did you know that Easter is considered a “movable feast”? The dates move between March 22 and April 25th; however it is always observed on a Sunday. And the reason why is because Easter traditionally falls on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, which is the first full moon after the Spring Equinox! I find this fascinating information. I got to take a picture of the full moon and it was gorgeous, this photo doesn’t do it justice. This was taken from my phone! The technology these days are mind blowing.
Fun Fact: “Paschal”
stems from Pascha, the Greek and Latin word for Passover.
Here’s what’s
happening in Pio Pico
Pio Pico District - Spring Camporee!
April 29th – May 1st
Location: Prado Regional Park
Radio Merit Badge Workshop
April 23 & April 30th
10:00AM to 2:00PM
Bell Tech Center
4357 Gage Ave Bell, CA 90201
Register at: scdcorp.org
Roundtable Picnic
June 15th, 2022
Location: Palm Park- El Rancho Dr. Whittier, CA
Price: $5.00
Cub Scout
Adventure Day Camp
Save the Dates: June 20th to the 24th
Montebello City Park
Pushcart Derby
Save the date November 5th
Location TBA
Stay informed at the District Round
Round table falls on
the 3rd Wednesday of the month. We are now meeting Hybrid. So, you can now
either come down in person or tune remotely from wherever you may be.
Remember, Roundtable
is for everyone! Not just leaders.
If you would like to
join us in person we meet First Methodist Church 13222 Bailey St. Whittier, CA
If you cannot come in
and would like to be on the email with the link for the Zoom Call, please reach
out to me or Tommy Martinez (tlc_martinez@yahoo.com).
We hope to see you
H.A.T. (High Adventure
Upcoming Training:
Wilderness Woman
May 21,2022
8:00AM – 12PM
Cushman-Watt Service
Below is a snap shot
of the HAT Calendar
Please be sure to check out the HAT HiLites! There’s a lot of great information on there about training and contact info.
Did you know that the High
Adventure Team has Cub Scout Awards? This month is the BSA Rocket Award. I’ve
attached a copy of the requirements to the email.
Council Training
Wood badge
April 29th
to May 1st (Weekend 1)
May 14th
to May 15 (weekend 2)
Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation
register visit: https://www.glaacbsa.org/admin2/events/5354/22559/Wood-Badge-Course--3-33-22---GLAAC-Wood-Badge-Registration
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
12th,2022 to June 17th, 2022
Cabrillo Beach Waterfront Center
Shoshonean Rd San Pedro, CA 90731
To register visit: https://www.glaacbsa.org/NYLT
AB 506- Financial Assistance for Live Scan
Greater Los Angeles Area Council is offering financial assistance up to $47.00
to help mitigate the cost the Livescan fingerprinting
required by AB 506.
read more information please visit: https://www.glaacbsa.org/livescanscholarship
Recruitment information
As many leaders are recruiting
throughout the year, there are times when some get asked about the cost of registration.
History Corner
By Lou Smith, Pio Pico District Vice Chair
100 Years ago, in the Los Angeles District Council (GLAAC now) ….
February 12, 1922 –Boy Scouts Honored (LA Times, Part II, Page 7)
Certificate of Service Given by Near East Relief *
A certificate of service for Near East Relief was presented to Los Angeles Boy Scouts by Charles H. Emmons, field director of the relief agency, who was one of the speakers at a mammoth rally last night of Scouts, leaders parents and friends in the Polytechnic High School Auditorium.
Eagle Scout Alden Miller
received the certificate. In making the presentation the speaker said:
“This certificate is in
recognition of the splendid humanitarian life-saving service rendered by the
Los Angeles Council B.S.A. for the boy Scouts of America.”
Greetings from the Boy
Scouts of the Near East to local Scouts were conveyed by the speaker. The Boy
Scout idea, it was pointed out, plays an important part in the Near East Relief
* Historical note:
In April 1915 the
Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian
Armenian population. The persecutions continued until 1923 when the Ottoman
Empire was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. The Armenian population was
reported at about two million in 1915. An estimated one million had perished by
1918, while hundreds of thousands had become homeless and stateless
Near East Relief was the
name of the American charity specifically organized in response to the Armenian
Genocide. The US government sent humanitarian relief. Boy Scouts collected
clothing, canned food, and money to help in this effort.
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