Congress, July 4, 1776
unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human
events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the
earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires
that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
We are in the
dog days of summer folks with just five more months of 2022. Crazy right? Even
though we are still not out of the woods just yet with Covid, it has been an
interesting year to say the least but in all it’s good to get back out and
having everyone active. I hope all the leaders and their units are having a
fantastic summer. If you have any stories or pictures to share from summer camp,
please send them to me and I will spotlight them in the next issue.
Just a reminder for your units that haven’t completed the Live Scan yet, the info is below:
AB 506- Financial
Assistance for Live Scan
The Greater Los Angeles
Area Council is offering financial assistance up to $47.00 per
individual to help
mitigate the cost the Livescan fingerprinting
services required by AB
To read more information
please visit:
If you would like
more information on the live Scan:
Stay informed at the District Round Table!
Round table falls on the 3rd Wednesday
of the month. We are now meeting Hybrid. So, you can now either come down in
person or tune remotely from wherever you may be.
Remember, Roundtable
is for everyone! Not just unit leaders.
If you would like to join us in person
we meet First Methodist Church 13222 Bailey St. Whittier, CA 90601.
If you cannot come in and would like
to be on the email with the link for the Zoom Call, please reach out to me or
Tommy Martinez (
We hope to see you there!
Please note: our next District Meeting
will be In-Person, Wednesday August 10 at 7pm at
the Methodist Church 13222 Bailey Street Whittier, CA 90601
2022 Membership
I have attached a flier
with information with the membership fees, please be sure to review it. If you
have any questions or concerns regarding the fees, please reach out to your unit
commissioner for any questions or concerns.
High Adventure Training (H.A.T)
Attached HAT activity survey
e-mail, HAT HiLites with training fliers Below
is the calendar for HAT Training:
GLAAC Training
(Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills) at Trask August 20th
(Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills) at Cabrillo August 27th
Please visit GLAAC training
page for more information:
GLAAC Fundraising
Popcorn Season is
Here! The Popcorn Kickoff was on July 23rd, if you missed it, here
are some important links that has all the details:
1. Unit Commitment –
Commit your unit to the 2022 Popcorn Campaign:
2. Plan to attend
Council Popcorn Kickoff on Saturday, July 23, 2022:
3. Register to a
Webinar to get a better understanding on how to manage the popcorn sales (New
Kernel or Returning Kernel):
you will find the 2022 popcorn campaign flyer with key dates along with the
registration and webinar links.
reach out to Melissa Bueno if you have any questions:
Panda Express Fundraiser
History Corner
By Lou Smith, Pio Pico District Vice Chair
100 Years ago, in the Los Angeles District Council
(GLAAC now) ….
February 11, 1922 – Boys Will Illustrate Scoutcraft
(LA Times, Part II, Page 6)
Troops Here Have Week Celebration of Their Twelfth
Hundred per cent Troop Meeting Night" was observed last night by the Boy
Scouts of Los Angeles, as part of the week of celebration which all of the
scouts In America are conducting in observance of the scout twelfth
anniversary. Tonight, the boys will entertain their parents and friends in
Polytechnic High School auditorium with a demonstration of scoutcraft.
celebration started on Wednesday night with a banquet given by the president
and board of trustees of the Los Angeles Council to 170 troop leaders. On
Thursday night each troop gave a father and son dinner at troop headquarters.
The celebration will be closed on Tuesday night, with a theater party at
Walker's Theater, where a picturization of "The Lone Star Patrol"
will be given for the first time. The actors in the picture are Los Angeles Boy
Scouts, and the famous American ace, Lieut. Bert Hall.
The program
for tonight at the Polytechnic school in full is as follows:
Part One -
B.S.A. yells, Walter Wescott, Troop 38; community singing, troop yells by Troop
57, A. G. Seiler, Scoutmaster; troop demonstrations, signaling by Troop 42, B.
H. Moore, Scoutmaster; camp scene Troop 85, J, A. Kennedy, Scoutmaster; first
aid, troop 88, Fred L. Litten, Scoutmaster; Troop 124, Clair Walrath, acting
Scoutmaster, knot tying contest; Troop 43, L. E. Hoffman, Scoutmaster; prize
awarded by troop committee; bridge building, Troop 68, W. R. Knippe,
Scoutmaster; fire by flint and steel, Troop 18, R. H. Adams, Scoutmaster; Pine
Tree Patrol, troop drill and inspection, Scout Law, Troop 121, R. R. Burdick,
Scoutmaster; first annual city-wide championship contest fire by friction prize
awarded by B.S.A. headquarters.
Part Two –
Remarks by the Scout Commissioner, Rev. William H. Rogers; proclamation,
Twelfth Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, Star Scout Douglas Moore,
Troop 88; flag ceremony, Troop 3, Los Angeles Harbor Ellis P. Moore Jr.,
Scoutmaster; cornet solo; Philip Memoli, director Los Angeles Boy Scout Band;
presentation of a certificate of Service to the Boy Scouts of Los Angeles, F.
L. Sims, Executive Secretary of the Near East Relief for Southern California –
response Scout Alden Miller, Troop 48; recitation, "Possum Hunting,"
Scout Sam Fein, Troup 90, C. G. Edwards, Scoutmaster; bird calls, Dr. L. H.
Miller, Troop 43; presentation to Arthur Letts, President of the Los Angeles
Council and Vice-President of the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, by
Eagle Scouts George Brown, Troop 12: Fred S. Davies, Troop 88; Ellsworth Davis,
Troop 68; Donald Diehl, Troop 68; Joseph O. Smith. Troop 121; Carl McElvy,
Troop 121; Russel Stevick, Troop 80; Walter Wescott, Troop 86; Robert Wilson,
Troop 68; twelfth anniversary week slogan, the Boy Scout Oath, recited by all
present, led by Eagle Scout Joseph Smith, troop 122
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